Mark's You Tube Report

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Star Wars - Best Fan Film Lightsaber Duels

In my most humble opinoin, this first video is the coolest lightsaber fight on the Internet. There are several good ones, but this one is definitely my favorite. Well-done, good graphics, nice sound, nice music, classic ending (a good thing in this case). All it is missing is the acrobatics of the Darth Maul type.

Ryan Versus Dorkman

And, yes, my favorite lighsaber fan film on the Internet has a sequel. In this case, it only gets better with the sequel. Still very well done, better graphics, still nice sound and music, and a classic Star Wars ending. You will watch this one and the original several times. At some point you will need a little Star Wars to fill that gap somewhere beneath the surface. A Star Wars film may do the trick, but so will these.

Ryan Versus Dorman 2

If it wasn't for Ryan V Dorman (and the sequel, too) this next one would be my favorite. They do everything pretty well, and the acrobatics and speed are just amazing. Plus, there is a little bit of a story. The letter read at the outset is a real letter from a American Civil War soldier. Isn't that just cool?

Art of the Saber

I was first going to list this one under Notable Mentions because it would fit. But, it is more than that. Check it out. Espeically you hopeless romantics.

Star Wars Episode VII: Princess In Peril

Now, that I'm done with my favorites, here is one notable mention. It's pretty good, worth checking out.

Star Wars - Battle of the Dark Assassin

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Stand Up Comedy

This first stand up comedy routine didn't make me or the audience die laughing, but it stars a pretty funny lady, Ellen DeGeneres. I did laugh out loud one time at the very end. The rest of it only got smiles from me, but maybe I was laughed out at the moment. You decide.

Ellen Stand Up

Here's one of Louie Anderson making fun of drunks. Once again, not really funny.

Louie Anderson Stand Up

There's a couple of funny moments in this next one ... but just a couple.

Chuck Patterson Stand Up

After much searching, I have found one that is the funniest of them all ... so far. I'm looking for more like this one.

John Branyan Stand Up

Filling out today's list is some improv with a dummy ventriloquist. I'm including this one not because it is super funny because it's about as funny as some of the first ones on this list. No, I am including this one because the comedian uses a real life person as his dummy. I've never seen this done before. Take a look and then ask yourself, "Has Mark [that's me, by the way] been shut in all his life?"

Different Dummy Improv

Friday, September 28, 2007

President George Bush ... Need I say More?

Picture slideshow of George Bush (one of the smartest Presidents we've had ... cough cough) and Dick Cheney with the Pinky And The Brain theme song playing.

Fear Americans #7: Pinky and the Brain

What if President Bush was a Jedi? Enough said. Watch it.

Jedi Bush

This is a remake of the famous "Who's on first?" gag using fake voices for George Bush and Condolezza Rice.

Who's in China?

Come on, it's David Letterman. I don't have to say much.

Top Ten George Bush Moments

Now, President Bush may have his dumb moments. David Letterman and Jay Leno make fun of him almost nighly. But, this next video shows that good ole George takes it in stride, and I commend him for that. This video shows a rare talent of the President - stand up comedy. I think he did pretty well. I laughed a few times. Besides, he throws some Texas words in the mix, which makes it better.

President Bush Makes Fun of Himself (really)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sports Bloopers - Ouch!!

Let's switch gears a little. Let's do some cringing at some sports bloopers and mishaps.

For most of these bloopers, I say, "Ouch!" But, with the last clip, I can't find what went wrong. And, the guy is just plain good.

What could go wrong? Sports Bloopers

I'm not sure what show this next clip is from. It has the ABC logo, but it doesn't have the America's Funniest Home Videos logo. The clip is definitely in the AFV style.

ABC Sports Bloopers

Things going wrong on the water. It's your standard "People Falling Down" video.

Funny Water Sports

Maybe it's just me, but some of these women were asking for something to happen. For example, who runs to jump into a hammack?

Women Falling Down

Insane is a good way to describe the next bunch of clips. Some of them need slow back replay. "How did they do that?" you may ask yourself. Other clips will simply make you cringe.

Insane Sports Bloopers

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Star Wars Fan Films

It's a little off color at times. It has some language that some will find offensive. If it were a movie, it would probably be rated PG-13. It's like a Scary Movie mixed with Star Wars, sorta.

Star Wars: Episode 3 Parody

Palpatine gets the call about the first Death Star blowing up. Once again, there is a language warning. But, it's funny in a parody sort of way. I personally never laughed out loud, but it was worth 2 minutes of my time.

Palpatine on the Phone

Fart Wars - definitely an offensive film. But, it is as funny as all get out. Come on, you know farting is funny. There's laughing gas in it, I swear.

Fart Wars

A long time ago in a cubicle far, far away ... Star Wars Help Desk. Done in a nighly news sort of way, it isn't very funny. But, it is worth mentioning. It's one of those noble tries. It is also making fun of dumb people who don't know how to use a computer. I did laugh one time. Can you guess when?

Star Wars Help Desk

This next one will finish out today's listings. It has more than 3 million views, so you may have already seen it. But, if you haven't, here you go. Monty Python meets Star Wars. Only a few words to dismiss as offensive.

Star Wars: Monty Python

Monday, September 24, 2007

Star Trek Videos

(Click the names of the videos to watch them ... a new window should open.)

Anyone who truly loves Star Trek should see this first one. It is a compilation of everything Star Trek, spanning the course of 40 years. The background song is from the Next Generation Episode Inner Light. It has a wonderful melody that make me cry everytime I hear it. Yeah, I'm a softy.

STAR TREK 40th Anniversary Tribute 1966 - 2006

The song is good. The clips were chosen well. Many of them even matched pretty well. A must see.

Star Trek Meets Monty Python

This next one is a voice over parody of the Next Generation episode Rascals. There is a little bit of language but otherwise it is pretty funny. I laughed a couple of times ... easy.

Star Trek Rascals Parody

I laughed all the way through this next one. The Captain Picard impression is pretty good, the comments below the video attesting to that fact. The jokes are just hillarious.

Star Trek Movie Parody

This next one is another compilation of Star Trek scenes pieced together with music. The song chosen is Let's Do The Time Warp Again from The Rocky Horror Picture show of 1975. The scenes chosen often match the lyrics. An excellent example of compilation.

Star Trek: Time Warp

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Simpsons Meet Star Wars

There are some videos that have the Simpsons and Star Wars mixed. Here are the ones I could find in just a few minutes.

This one is the Simpsons intro in a George Lucas sort of way.

Click Here to Watch

A duel between Bart and Skinner. There's another version out there with the lightsaber effects mixed in.
Click Here to Watch

This Version has both videos (original and lightsaber edited) side by side.
Click Here to Watch

Quite cheezy and the voice over and the original sound weren't mixed well, but it has its moments. And, its a bit long. I think if this were redone in a shorter version, it would be more appealling. But, I present it here because it is funny ... or at least the idea is funny. The key is it made me laugh a couple of times. I smiled a few other times, and of course, I shook my head, too. Ralph Wiggum (the stupid kid from the Simpsons) plays the part of Anakin Skywalker.

Click Here to Watch

This next one is a parody of the song Coppacabana by Barry Manilow. Mixed in are pictures of Star Warsy things and short clips of the Simpsons. It's okay. Most of the comments are negative, but I liked it a little better than that. Of course, I like cheezy stupid things. I would agree that some parts of it weren't mixed well. But, once again I applaud the efforts.

Click Here to Watch